Our Mission
To provide a safe and creative environment, laying a spiritual foundation in the hearts of our children, in order that they may become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
Value One: Kids Rock is Child – Targeted
Are we doing the kinds of things children really enjoy? Are we singing the style of songs children want to sing? Are we teaching the lessons children will understand?
Value Two: Kids Rock Ministry is Safe
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe.
Value Three: Kids Rock Teaching is Relevant
The goal is for our kids to walk out and say, “Wow! The Bible is such a smart book!”
Value Four: Kids Rock Will Teach the Bible Creatively
This value focuses on the delivery method. The need for ministry creativity grows as other media stimulation increases throughout the world for kids—televisions, video games, etc. We teach Bible first and then do it creatively. Our constant challenge is to figure out how to make Bible lessons come alive for children.
Value Five: Kids Rock Ministry is FUN!
An absence of fun will result is an absence of Kids! This is a high value to us because children are more motivated in a fun-filled environment. Fun is used as a channel to guide the ministry in pursuit of its mission, fun itself is not the mission.
Value Six: Kids Rock Ministry is Spiritually Transforming
We do all that we do for this purpose only! We value the Pentecostal experience, and will strive to create an environment where children can receive the power of the Holy Ghost!